Monday, February 15, 2010

Want to rent a Bugatti Veyron

Want to rent a Bugatti Veyron
Got more than a hundred grand? Then hop in!

This is just plain wonderful. Now even us poor sobs can get our hands down on a real Bugatti Veyron. But here’s the catch – a $160,000 deposit. Yes, this Veyron is for rent for only $25,000, but only if your wallet has more than a hundred grand as collateral in case you end up wrecking this million dollar supercar.

I’m sure most of your are well aware that the Veyron is still recognized as the benchmark of supercar performance, being able to run at full stride at about 250 miles per hour, with its huge W16 engine running over a thousand horses underneath.

That kind of power, you won’t be able to find in those common rent-a-car Impala’s and Mustangs. The rental company, Holders Vehicle Contracts, is confident they’ll be able to rake in quite a profit from renting out this record-setting supercar.

There’s no detail as to how many Veyrons are up for rent. But one thing’s for sure – you need to be wide awake before getting into the Veyron’s helm. Or you’re going to kiss more than a hundred grand goodbye plus maybe even more.

This ain’t for the heavy-footers out there, folks. You have to be light on the throttle lest you want to be part of the roadside bushes. This could be more than you can handle.

There’s only one thing I’m wondering about, though. Will the company hand over to you the Top Speed key as well? It’s what unlocks the Veyron to let it run at its limit. I doubt they will.

If that’s the case, believe me, you won’t get your money’s worth.

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